Recommended care and maintenance of glass

How to care of your Crystalex glass product:
• Please note that decorated products, whether it be with gold, platinum or paint, should never be machine-washed. Wash such a product by hand in lukewarm water, using a soft sponge and a mild, non-aggressive detergent. Treat the glass with a soft cloth after washing.
• It is possible to use a dishwasher for washing other glass products. In such cases, set the dishwasher at a glass-friendly program running at low temperature, and open its door as soon as the washing cycle finishes. Condensed vapors cause harm to glass.
• When handling the glass, avoid any contact with hard objects including other glass; there is a danger of being scratched.
• Products are not intended to be used for serving hot beverages or placed in microwave ovens.
• Handle the product carefully to avoid either damage or injury, and never allow children to handle the glass.
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Product information:

  1. The product that you have purchased complies with the following regulations:
  1. Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 October 2004, on materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.
  2. Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2023/2006 of 22 December 2006, on good manufacturing practice for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food.
  3. Decree No. 38/2001 Coll., on hygiene requirements for products intended to come into contact with food, as amended.
  1. Prior to first use of the product:
  1. Carefully remove the item from the package.
  2. Remove the labels. Removal of labels using sharp objects may result in scratching of the surface.
  3. Carefully rinse the product with lukewarm water.
  4. Dry the glass with a soft, ideally linen towel.
  1. Maintenance of the products:
  1. Wash the products in a mild sand-free lukewarm soap solution.
  2. The decorated product should not be washed in a dishwasher. Spray-on organic paints and screen-printed décors are an exception.
  3. When using a dishwasher, set a short glass-friendly low-temperature programme. After washing, open the door of the dishwasher (if it does not open automatically). Condensed water damages the glass.
  4. Immediately after washing, wipe the smooth glass with a soft towel. Leave the decorated glass to cool.
  5. When polishing chalices, do not forcefully rotate the bowl and foot in counter directions since the more fragile sets may break at high pressure.
  6. A greyish film, which may be formed after long periods of not being used, can be removed by washing or polishing with a linen towel.
  7. A milky film on the glass surface may be caused by scale (i.e., hard mineral water) and can be removed using vinegar or another detergent.
  8. Strong detergents particularly contribute to direct corrosion of the glass. It mostly applies that the higher the quality of the detergent, the more aggressive its action on the glass surface. In combination with high temperature and inorganic and organic admixtures from metallic utensils, it has a strongly negative action; for the correct procedure, see point c) 
  9. Handle the product carefully to prevent damage and subsequent potential injury; we particularly recommend that small children not be allowed to handle the glass.
  1. Safety instructions:
  1. The glass is fragile and susceptible to breaking upon falling, impact or careless handling.
  2. The product is not suitable for microwave use.
  3. The product is not designed for hot beverages.
  4. When handling larger products (for instance, vases full of water, decanters full of wine, etc.), do not hold them by the upper edges, but by the foot of the product (elimination of the risk of breakage).
  5. When handling, do not take more than one product in one hand as their surfaces may rub against each other (potential risk of scratching).
  6. Scratching may also occur from sharp objects (for instance, cutlery), particularly in dishwashers, especially if the surfaces of the products rub against each other during washing.
  7. In case of mechanical damage to the product (for instance, chipping of the mouth edge of the cup), discontinue using it.
  8. Upon breaking, the product forms shards, which are sharp and dangerous. It is essential to carefully remove them, including slivers particularly in places where children could come into contact with them.
  9. The products are inedible.
  10. Dispose of the products in compliance with ecological regulations on glass waste.
  1. Ecology:
  1. The product as such is harmless
  2. Its creation consumed energy and for this reason, we also appeal that it be put to secondary use = glass does not belong in the trash
  3. You save natural resources and support the environment by waste sorting and disposal of our products in special collecting containers